Darko Vlahović rođen je u Postirima 1938. Diplomirao je na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (1966), a magistrirao na području ekonomike turizma temom „Potreba novih orijentacija u formiranju turističke ponude Srednje Dalmacije“ u okviru poslijediplomskog studija u Dubrovniku (1985).

Cijeli je radni vijek radio na raznim poslovima u turizmu na Braču i u Splitu. Dosad je objavio 6 knjiga kao autor i 2 kao suautor, te stotinjak strucnih i znanstvenih radova. Obrađivao je uglavnom turističke teme s aspekta razvojnih, socijalnih i ekoloških pitanja. Posljednjih je godina osobito zaokupljen problematikom napadne urbanizacije i rapidnog propadanja autentičnih vrijednosti i identiteta turističkih sredina na hrvatskom obalnom prostoru. U vezi s tim zagovara koncept razvitka turizma s domaćim pečatom, uz poboljšanje sustava upravljanja na svim razinama kad je u pitanju vrednovanje mora i obale s otocima, kao neponovljivih hrvatskih dobara od općeg interesa i značaja.

Darko Vlahović was born in Postira on the island of Brac in 1938. He graduated at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb (1966), and wrote his MA thesis in the field of the economics of tourism, the title of his MA thesis being “The need for a new approach and form of tourism in central Dalmatia”, presented at the Institute for post-graduate studies in Dubrovnik (1985).

For his whole working life he worked in various fields of tourism on Brac and in Split. He has published six books and is co-author of two, also the author of about a hundred professional papers and articles. These are almost entirely concerned with tourism from the developmental, social and ecological aspect. In recent years he has mainly been involved in problems concerned with the influx of urbanism, the danger of the rapid stifling of the original values and the identity of tourist centres on the Croatian coast. There is an urgent need to develop some kind of tourism that retains the local atmosphere and to reassess its organisation on all its various levels - sea, coast and islands. These all belong to the irreplaceable wealth of Croatia and are of general interest and values.